Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sheath Dress

I love the basic shift and sheath dresses.  I have a few patterns that seem like they would work well (New Look 6095, McCall's 6886), but it's such a simple design that I just created my own pattern in stead.  I created a very small facing piece to finish the neck and armhole edges.

I'm so happy with this one.  I can make one of these in like an hour from start to finish, and I spent about $9/piece on fabric (ITY Jersey Knit from I've worn the blue one out to dinner, and it was a big hit.


  1. Both dresses look fab on your knockout figure! Purchased patterns are great (I also have McCalls 6886 but haven't tried it yet either!), but if you have a pattern thats based on your own unique shape, I'd say that's much better! I have yet to use a pattern I didn't have to do any adjusting to (no matter how simple it looks) ! I like both of the prints you used, very flattering! I don't think you could have too many sheath dresses:)

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  3. Thanks so much Rikki! Yes, I always find I have to make adjustments to patterns too, so sometimes if a dress seems simple enough, it seems easier to just start from scratch.
