My once bright red chairs have been through years of weather. The frames are still in great shape, so I made new cushion covers and some throw pillows. I seriously can't believe how much it costs to buy replacement cushions & pillows, now that I do things like this. I saved at least $400 doing this, and I made everything with zippers, so they can be easily washed. I made interior pillows for the throws, so it will be easy to make new zip cases when I get bored with this color and pattern. I just need to make some back cushion buttons. The 3-dimensional corners took a little getting used to, but once I got the hang of it, it was a breeze. I skipped the piping on the seat cushions, and I'm sure they would have looked a little better with it, but I decided it wasn't worth the extra time and stress for this go round. Maybe in a future project. I'm pretty satisfied without it :).